Royal Rangers
The mission of Royal Rangers is to reach, teach, and keep boys for Christ! The purpose of the Royal Rangers ministry is to evangelize boys for Christ, develop the total boy for Christ (spiritually, physically, mentally and socially), and keep boys in our churches.
Aim and Goals
Our aim and goals for Royal Rangers are to instruct, challenge and inspire our boys in the areas of Bible doctrine, Christian service, moral conduct, and basic beliefs of our church through interesting activities that boys enjoy.
Royal Rangers is a ministry that reaches across the United States and in over 65 nations around the world. It motivates boys spiritually through Bible study and memorization, devotionals, and Christian role models. Boys are strengthened mentally by an advanced awards-based weekly program. Further, the boys increase their physical prowess by participation in age-specific activities and recreation. Finally, they are introduced to church, community, and nature-related activities to develop their social skills and awareness.
* Mentally by a merit-based advancement program
* Physically by participation in age-specific activities and recreation, and
* Socially through church and community service activities.
* Spiritually through Bible study and devotions.
Dedicated leaders, called commanders, provide boys the necessary direction during a weekly outpost meeting. The meetings are designed to develop the total boy for Christ and offer love and understanding between the boy and a godly role model.
The Life of a Royal Ranger includes great outdoor adventures through camping, water activities, hiking, rappelling, and mountain climbing, as well as challenging indoor adventures. There will be opportunities year-round to attend tremendous camping events at the outpost, district, or national levels.
The experience as a Royal Ranger will be one of growth. He will grow in four ways. Through proper exercise and diet, his body will develop physically. Through prayer, Bible study, and witnessing, he will grow spiritually. By studying and reading, his mind will grow mentally. And by learning how to treat others, he will develop socially.